The media

I feel privileged by the support that the Universities of Zurich and Perpignan have provided for me. Even though there are many great talents out there, only few of them get supported appropriately. Therefore I try to make an effort by publicly encouraging the opening of universities to younger, talented students.

Films and selected TV shows

  1. October 8, 2022: Northern German National Television, guest in the show “Kaum zu Glauben!”.
  2. September 10, 2019: Swiss Radio and Television, “Wunderkinder – Der hochbegabte Maximilian”. Available online at
  3. August 27, 2018: 3sat, “Maximilian” (a 90-minute documentary about my life directed by Nicolas Greinacher).
  4. October 27, 2015: France 2, “Toute une histoire : Trop intelligent pour être heureux ?”. Available online at
  5. April 27, 2015: Swiss National Television, “Maximilian Janisch – Aus dem Leben eines Hochbegabten”. Available online at
  6. November 7, 2014: Nachtcafé episode 701, “Die Wunden der Wunderkinder”.

Selected news articles

  1. April 8, 2022: DIE ZEIT, “‘Mathematiker sind unschrullige Leute. Total normal.’“. Available online at
  2. January 26, 2021: Stern, “Maximilian Janisch hat mit neun das Mathe-Abi geschrieben: ‘Ich sehe mich nicht als Wunderkind’“. Available online at—ich-sehe-mich-nicht-als-wunderkind–30008288.html.
  3. June 21, 2019: Aargauer Zeitung, “Wunderjunge bricht Rekord: Mathe-Genie (15) startet mit dem Master-Studium“. Available online at
  4. September 16, 2018: Aargauer Zeitung, “Der jüngste Student der Schweiz: Maximilian Janisch, IQ von 149+“. Available online at
  5. September 30, 2015: 20 Minuten, “Max (12) studiert jetzt an Uni in Frankreich“. Available online at
  6. June 22, 2013: Luzerner Zeitung, “Neunjähriger will an der ETH studieren“. Available online at