About me
In Zurich, Switzerland
I was born on August 8 2003 in Zurich, Switzerland. My parents are Monika Janisch and Thomas Drisch. The high school Gymnasium Immensee accepted me as a student when I was 8 years old. At the age of 9 years, I passed the final high school exams in mathematics with top marks. Rector of the University of Zurich at the time was Prof. Michael Hengartner. He and the formerly director of the Institute of mathematics, Prof. Thomas Kappeler, initiated a special learning programme for me within the Junior Euler Society (named after the great Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler). This programme was under the direction of the italian mathematician Prof. Dr. Camillo De Lellis. In summer 2018, I finished all high school exams at the age of 15 and got matriculated as a regular student at the University of Zurich. I finished my Bachelor’s at the University of Zürich in August 2020. In 2021, De Lellis supervised my Master’s thesis on the Euler equations. In the meantime he has accepted an appointment to the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study (the first scientist to go to the institute was Albert Einstein). I defended my master’s thesis on November 12 2021, shortly after my 18th birthday, and obtained the best possible grade. Currently I am a doctoral student at the Zürich Graduate School in Mathematics. My supervisor is Prof. Dr. Ashkan Nikeghbali.

Photo by Roger Gruetter
In Perpignan, France
In September 2015 I was accepted by the french University of Perpignan into the second year of mathematics. (A regular immatriculation in Switzerland was not possible at the time). I followed all of their mathematics courses and obtained my Licence (french equivalent of the Bachelor) in the beginning of 2020.
Photos by Eric Cabanis/AFP
In Alpnach, Switzerland
Additionally, I am doing Machine Learning under the instruction of the Alpnach location of the Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique. I am focusing in particular on classifying/segmenting/generating images using artificial neural networks. You can find some of my work on Github: https://github.com/maximilian-janisch/.